Cathlapotle Plankhouse Second Sunday Speaker Series
For the first time ever we are co-hosting an event with the Clark County Historical Museum. It is being held in Vancouver, WA in the Museum.
1:00: Colonial Mythologies of the Oregon Indian Wars with Dr. David G Lewis
The Pacific Northwest has a history of “Indian Wars” but the majority of the wars were actually created by Euro-American colonists seeking to remove people from the land in a variety of ways. Histories of Native peoples in the colonization era will be discussed, including campaigns to drive invaders from their lands. The falsehoods, as written into northwest histories, will be addressed as well as the experiences of the Native Peoples as they sought to survive colonization of their homelands.
3:00: City Inspired Naturalist Walk
Join a RNWR Naturalist for a stroll around the block directly around the Clark County Historical Museum as we explore what Urban Landscapes have to offer for birdwatching and quiet places among the bustle. Please come prepared for the weather. Walk will be approximately 1 hour and will stay mainly on city sidewalks and streets.
12:00 – 4:00: Clark County Historical Museum open
Museum entrance fee is waived for this event.
Free Event, free CCHM Admission. 1511 Main St, Vancouver, WA 98660