Cathlapotle Plankhouse- Carty Unit, 28908 N Main Ave, Ridgefield, WA (note, Main Ave is closed at Depot St. to 291st, detour maps to reach the Carty Unit can be found here.)
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM Plankhouse Tours and Activities
Docent or self-led Plankhouse tours and family-friendly activities throughout the day.
Special Demonstrations will include:
Atlatl, Flintknapping, Traditional Native games, First Foods demonstrations, Crafts, and more!
1:30 PM Naturalist-led Walk-n-Talk
Walk on the ethnobotany portion of the Oaks to Wetlands Trail. Participants meet in front of the Plankhouse, be prepared for a 45 minute walk over moderately even terrain.