Weekly Bird Sightings

Notice! The sightings below are not exhaustive. These are sightings that a number of birders, working collaboratively, have noted at the River “S” unit of the Ridgefield NWR throughout the week. It is our wish that this list, usually updated daily, will give you an idea of what you can find at the refuge and will inspire you to “go birding” and make up your own list. Perhaps you will be the one to find some of the uncommon (**), occasionally seen (***), or rare (****) birds.

For the Week Beginning
March 19, 2025

Print Weekly Sightings

Cackling Goose American Kestrel Black-capped Chickadee
Canada Goose Virginia Rail Chestnut-backed Chickadee **
Tundra Swan Sora Red-breasted Nuthatch **
Wood Duck American Coot White-breasted Nuthatch
Gadwall Sandhill Crane Brown Creeper **
American Wigeon Killdeer Bewick's Wren
Mallard Greater Yellowlegs **Marsh Wren
Cinnamon Teal Dunlin **Golden-crowned Kinglet
Northern Shoveler Long-billed Dowitcher **Ruby-crowned Kinglet **
Northern Pintail Wilson's Snipe American Robin
Green-winged Teal Rock Pigeon **Varied Thrush ***
Canvasback ***Eurasian Collared-Dove **European Starling
Ring-necked Duck Mourning Dove **Yellow-rumped Warbler
Lesser Scaup Anna's Hummingbird **Spotted Towhee
Bufflehead Red-breasted Sapsucker **Song Sparrow
Hooded Merganser Downy Woodpecker **Lincoln's Sparrow **
Ruddy Duck Northern Flicker Golden-crowned Sparrow
Pied-billed Grebe Black Phoebe **Dark-eyed Junco
Double-crested Cormorant Steller's Jay Red-winged Blackbird
American Bittern California Scrub-Jay Brewer's Blackbird **
Great Blue Heron American Crow Brown-headed Cowbird
Great Egret **Common Raven **House Finch
Bald Eagle Tree Swallow Pine Siskin ***
Red-tailed Hawk Violet-green Swallow

** Uncommon
*** Occasional
**** Rare
ac Accidental
unr Unrecorded
cu Only at Carty Unit

Current total weekly sightings: 71

Sightings this week so far have been submitted by: Jim Danzenbaker, Roger Windemuth


For information contact Roger Windemuth (rogerwindemuth@hotmail.com)

Note! All seasonal and abundance symbols and designations are taken from the Modified "Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Wildlife Checklist"

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