The Friends of Ridgefield are rejuvenating their Community Nature support journey with the first step of funding a highly sought-after aspect of the new Nature Center, a Nature Exploration Area.
Several focus groups conducted between the Friends and the USFWS reported a need for a space at the Refuge that is outside, where students, families, and people of all ages and abilities can literally step into nature in a safe, non-threatening way, and in a way that is not disruptive to the wildlife refuge itself.
Thanks to the Keller Foundation, and a generous grant for $100,000, we are almost the whole way to funding this aspect of the nature center! Part of the grant, $25,000, will be rewarded to us when we can provide a match from you, our supporters.
You can donate or become a member, and your contributions can directly support that match goal, and give us that last push over the finish line for the Nature Exploration Area.
What is a Nature Exploration Area, and why do we want one?
Community Focus Groups reported the need for an area where families and children can interact more with nature, and orient themselves to the outdoors in a less overwhelming way. There are a lot of places on the Refuge where we need to be quiet and not disturb the environment, but this place would offer the opportunities for small samples of nature and what it can offer everyone, of every ability, age, and background.
Projects like the Nature Exploration Area are part of the USFWS Standards of Excellence, which include:
The Children & Nature Network made a great video about Nature Exploration Areas, and what they can include, and how the impacts reach farther than the physical location of the play area.
What will the Nature Exploration Area include?
Basic concept designs include:
The next project on our list is outfitting the Environmental Education Classroom. This can include desks and chairs, goggles and gloves, presentation equipment, wet lab items, and more. We are looking for anyone with connections or who wants to help us in obtaining these items, or creating them. Thank you!
“The Keller Foundation was founded in 1997 by Dick and Ruthie Keller as a living entity in which family members and their future generations could unite with pride and pleasure to strengthen their communities and country through philanthropy. The mission of the Keller Foundation since inception is to enrich the quality of life in the Pacific Northwest and in areas where the family may live by providing grants to educational, medical, cultural, and social service institutions to strengthen their programs over time.”