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The Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge
The latest updates | October, 2023
BirdFest & Bluegrass 2023
October 7, 2023
In 2023, The City of Ridgefield will be hosting in-person events downtown, including a vendor marketplace, music, family crafts, orienteering, and more. A kick-off to Walk for the Wild will also take place from downtown to the Refuge.
The Friends will have a self-guided Carty Unit Refuge hike, there will be wandering trail stewards to answer questions, Carty Unit hourly walks and talks, Partner Party, the River S Auto Tour will be open, Photo Contest Winners, and much more!
The Refuge will be fee-free, and seasonal trails will be open for an extra weekend!
(Crane Tours are sold out!)
Walk for the Wild 2023
October 7, 2023
We're on a mission to empower wildlife and humans to thrive. The challenge is to get people moving a distance of 5K in nature and to raise funds to support the future Community Nature Center at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge.
What is 'Walk for the Wild'?
Walk for the Wild is a national event to get people moving in support of their local national wildlife refuge. Funds raised from this event will directly support wildlife conservation, nature trails, and environmental education in our community through a new Community Nature Center.
Sign up to walk today and support the National Wildlife Refuge System. A portion of your donation will be matched by national supporters of Walk for the Wild and the Public Lands Alliance.
When: Saturday, October 7, 2023, 11:00 AM
Where: Overlook Park to Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge's Carty Unit
We will be offering a kick-off walk during BirdFest & Bluegrass, Saturday, October 7, starting at Overlook Park- on a fall Pacific Northwest morning- who could ask for more? If you can't make the group walk on Saturday, you can get your miles in any time during National Wildlife Refuge Week, October 7-14, and submit them to support our team.
To get started: Click “Join Our Team” below to learn more, sign up to participate in our event and/or walk virtually, or donate.
BirdFest & Bluegrass 2023
American Kestrel Buttons
Purchase a 2023 commemorative button, featuring the 2023 Bird of the Year, the American Kestrel! Find them right now for $5.00 at:
With this button you can remind yourself of our event, and support it into perpetuity!
Ridgefield Refuge Complex News & Events
Gate times for both units: 6:00 am - 8:30 pm
Youth Photography Workshop
Come join us for a FREE interactive youth photography workshop at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge! Learn photography basics from Refuge Ambassadors and Steigerwald Photography Group leaders, Ken Pitts and Beth Marlin-Lichter! Featuring photographer, Jon Pugmire!
Bring your own camera or use your smart phone!
- What makes a photograph both pleasing to view and interesting
- How to put your creative mind to work and produce a compelling
- photograph that tells a story
- Ways to capture a wild subject in a frame and create eye-catching
- landscape images
- Common photography mistakes and how to avoid them
- Tips on the four categories of the Gorge Refuge Stewards Steigerwald
- Photography Contest
- & More!
Fall Birding Hikes
Walks start at 8 am at the Carty Unit of the Refuge and are limited to 15 people. These generally last two to three hours but you are welcome to stay as long or short as works for you. Walks are free but the $3 refuge daily fee does apply. For more information about the fee and rules of the refuge click here.
Birding with Ron Escano:
- Saturday, October 7, Birdfest & Bluegrass, at 8 am!
- Saturday, November 4, 8 am
- Saturday, December 2, 8 am
Birding with Robert Vanderkamp:
- Saturday, September 9, 8 am
- Saturday, October 14, 8 am
- Saturday, November 11, 8 am
Night Hike Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge
Oaks to Wetlands Trail
- Monday, October 30, 6:30 PM
Come experience the refuge when it is usually closed for visitors, in a guided walk with Dave Miller!
If interested, please RSVP to with your name, email, and phone number.
The Carty Unit Oaks-to-Wetlands Trail, within the Oak Restoration area, may close occasionally for trail maintenance, watch for signs.
General inquiries M-F, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm can be answered at 360-887-4106.
NOTE: The Washington State Discover Pass is not valid on Federally managed public lands, including National Wildlife Refuges. Find out more about fees & passes here.
From the Contact Station
Autumn is Here
Welcome Fall: Roger Windemuth so perfectly described the move into Fall, or Autumn as he likes to say, that I have taken the liberty of re-printing his article from 2012 in the Friends RNWR newsletter. Followed by some current news.
It’s Autumn time at the refuge! And once again, it’s the changing of the guard. We say goodbye to the friends of summer and welcome back our old friends of fall and winter. Late summer and autumn is migration time and the face of the refuge is changing.
Not only will the leaves be turning red and gold, but the lakes, ponds, and wetlands will again be filling, hiding the mud and plants that were exposed during the dry summer. The ducks and geese will again be covering the skies and many parts of the grasslands. The refuge will have a fresh new look, completely different from...Keep reading...
-Welcome Fall by Roger Windemuth, remainder and photos by Susan Setterberg
image of a slough on the Auto Tour by Susan Setterberg
New Refuge Round-Up Giving Program!
We've made it even easier for you to support our mission - donate your spare change with your everyday purchases by joining our new Round-Up Program. You set and control how much you want to give each month, and every time you make a purchase, we'll automatically round up that purchase to help support wildlife, and invest in our community's access to nature with the future Community Nature Center. It's small change for you, but a game-changer for us.
The time for back-to-school shopping is perfect for getting started- purchases that support your students can also protect wildlife for generations to come.
It's pretty simple, and once you set it up recurring monthly, you don't have to think about it again.
- Head to any page of our website and click the green "Donate" button in the bottom left.
- Activate any card you use for regular purchases in order to turn even the smallest purchase into big change.
Set your monthly giving and control how much change you want to give each month, and you can adjust it any time you want (if you create a password).
- Make a difference with every swipe! Every purchase on your card will be automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar and donated directly to the Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge.
It's that easy!
Check out what species are being seen on the Refuge here.
Ridgefield First Saturdays
BirdFest & Bluegrass
October 7, 2023
Spend time Downtown and on the Refuge during the annual Friends of the Refuge festival!
BirdFest & Bluegrass is a joint event planned in a partnership between the City of Ridgefield and the Friends of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge that includes birding activities at the Refuge, vendors, kids crafts, Bluegrass performances, and a Pickers Festival.
Become a Business Alliance Member!
As a member of the Friends of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Business Alliance, you invest in one of our urban metropolitan area’s most unique and diverse natural and cultural resources. Click here to find out more
Board Seeking New Members
Or, Join a Committee
The Friends of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge is a non-profit dedicated to promoting, protecting, and enhancing its wildlife habitat. We are currently seeking candidates to serve on our board of directors. We are recruiting candidates with diverse backgrounds and skills for several open board positions, in addition to candidates interested in serving on a committee (board membership not required).
Join the Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Board for their monthly meeting. Meetings start at 5 PM every second Monday of the month and will either be in-person at the Ridgefield NWR Administration Building (28908 NW Main AVE), or virtual, the plan is to switch off each month. Contact us to join in!
Board Meeting Dates for 2023:
October 10th*
November 13th (Virtual)
December 11th
(*moved due to federal holiday)
2022/2023 Merch Updates
NEW Puzzles!, merch featuring contest winners, BirdFest & Bluegrass button images, Chinookan Steller's Jay art by Greg Robinson, and more!
Who loves a good jigsaw puzzle on a dark winter evening? Or maybe you know someone who does? Then we have the perfect gift for you!
We also have mugs, tote bags, photo cards, t-shirts and sweatshirts with previous photo contest winners, BirdFest logos and art, and the Chinookan Steller's Jay design by Greg A. Robinson. Get your friends and family (or yourself!) a gift that will remind them of nature's beauty and support a wonderful cause!
When you link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to the Friends, you help us earn donations from Fred Meyer Community Rewards. It doesn't change your regular personal shopping and fuel rewards, but it does make a meaningful contribution to our work on the Refuge. It's easy to sign up. Just click here. You can search for us by our name, Friends of Ridgefield NWR, or by our non-profit number, PK822. Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping earn a donation to support the Friends and Ridgefield NWR. If you do not have a Rewards Card, ask at the Customer Service desk of any FM store.
Would you like to enjoy a cup of coffee from Ridgefield's Seasons Coffee after a morning hike on the Refuge? Lunch in-between the River 'S' and Carty Units? Dinner and drinks at the Historic Sportsman's Restaurant and Lounge after a busy day of wildlife viewing (5% off a meal with member card!)? Or maybe you would like to get a discount on some supplies at Shovel & Thumb or Backyard Bird Shop? How about a night out at ilani?
The Friends of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge promote the enjoyment, understanding, and protection of native and endangered birds, other wildlife, and their habitats. We focus on our local community and the Pacific Northwest.
Business Alliance Members:
Granting Organizations & Partners:
Header Photo: Gary Grossman, 2018, 1st place Landscape Category, Refuge Photo Contest
Want regular updates on Refuge events & happenings? Follow the Friends on social media by clicking the logos below to stay connected even when you are off the Refuge.