Cathlapotle Plankhouse
Update & Events
Last Second Sunday Event of the Year:
September 11th, 12-4pm
Located at the Cathlapotle Plankhouse:
28908 NW Main Ave.
Ridgefield, WA 98642
1 pm: Presentation: The Power of Indigenizing Curitorial Practice with Dr. Deana Dartt
3pm: Guided Hike: A Walk Through the Oaks
Event is free after $3 Refuge admission

(Click this poster for a link to our website)
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to providing access to this event for all participants. Please direct all requests for sign language interpreting services, closed captioning, or other accommodations needs to Juliet McGraw, 360- 887-4106, TTY 800-877-8339 with your request by close of business one week before the event.
July Docent Social Recap
Participants: Virginia Scott, Jane Tuck, Donna Martinez, Jared Strawderman, Sarah Hill, Juliet McGraw

The Two Rivers Heritage Museum was amazing. We were fortunate to have our very own Donna Martinez, who volunteers at the Plankhouse and Two Rivers, take us through. This place is truly a gem. Not only is the collection so much bigger that one would anticipate form the outside but incredibly through in its displays. When entering you are greeted by extraordinary indigenous basketry display (also curated by Donna) of the first inhabitants of the area through the changes brought by Euro-American immigrants. Two Rivers is a perfect exposition of hometown Americana. If you pay it one visit you surely will return.
We ended up forgoing the nature walk because we took an extended tour or the museum and lingered over lunch. However, we are all eager for a future bird walk for a future Volunteer Social.
Interested in our next Volunteer Social? Come join us for a tour of the Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery followed by a picnic lunch on Friday, September 23rd. Please email for more information.
To become one of our fabulous volunteers, email or Josie Finley at!
Upcoming Events and Exhibitions:
"Some of you may've seen the news on our official Chinook Indian Nation Facebook page, but Promised Land is being released in select theaters this fall and has been officially selected to screen in several festivals. Below is ticket information. We're really looking forward to these first two events that will bring the communities and the tribes together, raise awareness, funds, and foster good alliances in the Northwest so we can see justice happen.
We finished the film this spring after three years of research, filming and editing. We're so pleased to announce that it's been accepted to the 19th Annual Local Sightings Film Festival, Joshua Tree International Film Festival, the 12th Annual Ellensburg Film Festival, on top of many exciting regional shows we have planned.
Many other screenings, as well as festival screenings, are being planned for the duration of the fall and winter, but these are the first two where we will have members of the Chinook and Duwamish there to talk about recognition, the tribe, and what can be done with the communities help to find justice for these groups and others like them, as well as the BirdFest and Bluegrass 2016 screening date and time:
The film was three years in the making, but the work of getting the message out there is really just starting for us. If you have ideas of how we can partner these screenings and the ones that will follow with positive political action, please get in touch with us and the tribes with your ideas. If you know of a school, group, museum, or local theater that would be interested in showing a screening of the film or arranging a discussion, please send us a message or contact us here.
If you'd like to stay in touch through social media, subscribe to our Facebook page here. If you'd like to share our Astoria or Seattle screening event pages (which we'd love if you're on social media,) they are here for Astoria and here for Seattle.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to sharing this story with you all. Let us know if you have any questions or ideas for partnership.

With our love: we couldn't have asked for a better community to make a film for. Hayu masi and ck'wálidxw.
Vasant and Sarah Samudre Salcedo"

Saturday, Sept. 10
NAYA Family Center
7th Annual Neerchokikoo Powwow- Open to the Public
The Neerchokikoo Honoring powwow has developed into a well-anticipated annual event at NAYA Family Center. We use this opportunity each year to honor members of our community for their contributions to the important work that NAYA does to enhance the lives of our youth, families, and Elders.
To see the poster, schedule, and more info click here
Questions? Contact Sarah at
or call (360) 887-4106