Refuge Rules and Policies

 See current open hours, updates, location details and more on the official Ridgefield Refuge Website

View the Friends ‘Visit’ page for answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


In order to minimize fear to wildlife, as well as disturbance to habitat and other visitors, the Refuge has put specific Rules in place to protect wildlife.

The RNWR welcomes visitors and provides facilities for Wildlife-Dependent Recreation. This is defined as activities that depend upon wildlife: hunting, fishing, wildlife observation and wildlife photography, or environmental education and interpretation.

If your planned activity does not focus on wildlife, please check with Refuge staff at
360-887-4106, M-F, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, before visiting the Refuge.

To learn more about each Rule, listed below, please scroll down this page.

  • No pets on trails
  • No sports, or other “park-like” activities (eg, chasing birds)
  • No bicycles, horseback riding, ATVs, or other prohibited methods of transportation (Exception: Accessibility reasons)
  • No picking or collecting of natural or historic objects
  • No audio playback (eg, bird calls), or other technology that disturbs wildlife
  • No littering
  • No release of unwanted pets or animals
  • No drones
  • No frogging
  • No Fishing
  • Hunting Regulations
  • Commercial activities require a special use permit

No pets on trails

  • Fleeing from a perceived predator such as a dog burns much-needed energy that wildlife need to live and raise their young.
  • Pets are permitted on the auto tour route, but must always remain in the vehicle.
  • Exception: Certified service animals that are individually trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities are welcome on all trails and in facilities. Certified service animals must be under the direct control of their owner at all times and all feces removed.

Auto Tour & Cathlapotle Plankhouse

River ‘S’ Auto Tour:

  • Stay entirely in your vehicle from Sept. 30 – April 30
  • Move over for other vehicles, whether you are parked, or just want to move at a slower pace. Safety is important, and we want everyone to have fun!

Cathlapotle Plankhouse:

  • Whether open to the public or not, we ask that you do not throw things onto the roof or at the building, try to climb the walls or roof, and generally do not harass the House.
  • This is an important building to the Indigenous Peoples of our Region, as well as Refuge and Friends Staff and Volunteers, and we want to make sure that everyone who visits is able to learn something new, and maintains and respectful relationship with it.

No sports, or other “park-like” activities

  • Sports activities such as jogging, Frisbee throwing, and kite flying are not permitted.

These activities significantly increase disturbance to wildlife.

  • Please do not chase birds, and be aware when animals appear alarmed.

No bicycles, horseback riding, ATVs, or other prohibited methods of transportation

  • If you ride your bike to the refuge, please chain it at the entrance before walking onto a trail.
  • No Horseback riding or ATVs
  • Electric and alternative gas-powered vehicles are also prohibited, unless needed for a disability.

No picking or collecting of natural or historic objects

Everything you see at the refuge is important for the health of native animal and plant species.

  • Collecting or removing archaeological or historic objects, or natural material such as plants, mushrooms, berries, and antler sheds is prohibited.
  • Please leave everything you observe and take away only photos and memories.
  • If taking photos, please do not use flash when photographing wildlife.

No audio playback, or other technology that disturbs wildlife

  • Some birders will use bird call technology in the field to verify a call they have heard. Playback devices used to elicit a response causes stress to birds and takes them away from the important task of raising young and protecting themselves.
  • You may play the call quietly so only you are able to hear it, or use headphones, which minimize any potential impact on birds.
  • No laser pointers or pishing please.

No littering

  • Everything at Ridgefield NWR is for the health and continued vitality of native animal and plant species. Please pack out what you bring in with you, there are no trash receptacles at the Refuge.

Note: Do not throw garbage into toilets. Garbage thrown into toilets is NOT retrievable. If the toilets are filled with trash they will eventually have to be closed permanently. Please do your part to help us keep this facility functional for everyone,

No release of unwanted pets or animals

  • Releasing unwanted pets and ‘rescued’ animals onto the refuge is not allowed and is considered a health risk or threat to wildlife and their habitats.
  • Please contact the Refuge office at 360-887-4106, M-F, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, if you need assistance with these matters.

No Drones

  • It is illegal to launch or land a drone from/on any National Wildlife Refuge. Drones significantly impact the survival of birds and other wildlife, which they see as a predator.
  • Also, regardless of where you are operating a drone (from your home, a state park, or a private resort) it is illegal to harass or harm wildlife with the drone.
  • If you witness a drone on any Refuge, please call the Refuge Office at 360-887-4106, or the S. Fish and Wildlife Service tip line at 1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477).


  • Frogging is not allowed anywhere on the refuge


  • Fishing is not allowed anywhere on the refuge.

Hunting Regulations

Commercial activities require a special use permit

  • All commercial activities, including commercial photography, require a special use permit.
  • Contact Refuge staff at 360-887-4106, M-F, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, for more information on compatible activities.

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When Amazon removed AmazonSmile, we lost our Amazon Wishlist access. Now, we have finally started one back up! Shop for items that the Friends and the Refuge Complex need to help with everything from habitat restoration to events like BirdFest & Bluegrass, and help support wildlife in little and big ways.

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