About the Ridgefield Friends

The Friend’s mission is to support, protect, and enhance the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge and its wildlife habitat, and to broaden public awareness and participation in its environmental, cultural, and educational opportunities.

Refuge Access Status


The Friend’s mission is to support, protect, and enhance the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge and its wildlife habitat, and to broaden public awareness and participation in its environmental and educational opportunities.


  • Advocate the long-term protection and compatible uses of the Refuge’s fish and wildlife resources and habitat.
  • Expand education and interpretation of the natural resources of the area.
  • Improve visitor programs and facilities in the Ridgefield and Lower Columbia River area, to better protect and enhance the natural and cultural resources.

Become a Friend of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge!

We need your support to grow Friends programs – nature education, wildlife habitat restoration, and a new naturalist corps! Please become a member and receive eNews and newsletters, come to the annual membership meetings, participate as a volunteer, and help the Refuge community grow. Now is the time. Thanks for your support. Click below to join, or call (360)887-9495.

Reach out and share your love of nature with a child!

Help by volunteering as a docent or naturalist with school groups that visit the Refuge. No knowledge or experience is necessary as training will provide the tools needed. Everyone is welcome to attend any or all of the workshops!

The Friends of RNWR Board is always looking for help, check out below to find out more about our board, and what you can do to help.

Join the Board

Join the Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Board for their monthly meeting. Meetings start at 5pm every second Monday of the month (barring holidays or special circumstances) alternating monthly between virtual and in-person at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Meeting Room.

The Friends of RNWR Board is always looking for help, from new board members to committee members and community connections, learn more about our board, here!

Please contact us if you would like to participate, email us here to let us know!

Board Meeting Dates 2025:
January 13
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
June 9
July 14
August 11
September 8
*October 20
November 10
December 8
*moved due to a federal holiday or special circumstance

hm-2015-barry-blanding1-ridgefield-1024x683Photo Credit: Barry Blanding

preserve-america-logo-300x197The Friends of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge was honored recently when Mrs. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, designated it as one of the nation’s newest Preserve America Stewards. Designation as a Preserve America Steward provides national recognition for programs that successfully use volunteers to help care for our historic and cultural heritage. For more information visit www.achp.gov and www.preserveamerica.gov.

Faces of the Friends

Samantha Zeiner

Director of Operations

Board of Directors

Jim Maul

Board President

Lee Knottnerus

Vice President & Secretary

Suzanne Whitney

Board Treasurer

Tanna Engdahl

Board Member- Spiritual Leader Cowlitz Indian Tribe

Sam Robinson

Board Member- Vice Chairman of the Chinook Indian Nation

Alex Earl

Board Member

Abby Braithwaite

Board Member

Upcoming Events


Support While You Shop

When Amazon removed AmazonSmile, we lost our Amazon Wishlist access. Now, we have finally started one back up! Shop for items that the Friends and the Refuge Complex need to help with everything from habitat restoration to events like BirdFest & Bluegrass, and help support wildlife in little and big ways.

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Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge (PK822). For more information, please visit the link below.

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