Cathlapotle Plankhouse Mother's Day Celebration!

(click poster to learn more, view larger, or to download)
Volunteers Wanted!
The Ridgefield Lions Club has been a tremendous supporter of the Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, offering sponsorship as well as volunteer hours and providing vendor services at BirdFest. As a thank you to them, the Friends like to offer some volunteer time to help them during their big events. Volunteer shifts run just a couple of hours, learn more about upcoming event dates where you can help out, and sign up today!
From the River 'S' Contact Station
Ah, Spring Migration!

For a long-time birder like myself, the coming of spring is always full of great anticipation. Will the ospreys return on time? Will the Yellow-headed Blackbirds return? When will the Purple Martins show up? The answer this year is yes, yes, and already here. As we move into May and the opening of the Kiwa Trail to walkers, the migrating and nesting birds are arriving to delight us again. This is the time of year to experience spring arrivals by listening for the birds. Keep Reading...
Naturalist Led Birding Hikes!
Whether you are new to birding or have been watching them your whole life, Ron Escano offers easy and interesting ways to learn about this amazing world of our feathered friends. A retired USFWS biologist and life long birder, Ron has been leading these walks for over a decade at the Refuge and for the Audobon society. Join him on refuge trails at Ridgefield and Steigerwald Lake this Spring to find out who might be flying in!
Hikes start at 8:00 and last between 2 and 3 hours. These hikes are free with refuge admission at Ridgefield NWR, and totally free at Steigerwald Lake NWR.
For the dates and locations of each of the upcoming hikes, click here!
Big Paddle 2017!
Save the Date!
June 3rd, 2017
There’s something for absolutely everyone on this fun-filled day downtown and on Lake River. Breakfast, paddling, obstacle course, live music, beer & wine garden, BIG games and a Totally Awesome Scavenger Challenge!
For a schedule of events and more click here!
BirdFest & Bluegrass Seeks New Members and Ideas!
Do you love attending our annual BirdFest celebration? Do you want to see it be successful in 2017? If so, than we need YOU to get involved in planning this years event. Commitment is one two hour meeting a month, March - September, and volunteering BirdFest Weekend (October 7th & 8th). Want to Make BirdFest a success?
Steigerwald Habitat Restoration & Flood Control Project
The Steigerwald Habitat Restoration and Flood Control Project is a collaborative project that will reconfigure the Port of Camas-Washougal’s existing Columbia River levee system to reduce flood risk, reconnect 912 acres of Columbia River floodplain, and increase recreation opportunities at the Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Click here to learn more!
Ridgefield Refuge Complex
News & Events

Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge
Summer Youth Employment Opportunity
The Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge is recruiting for summer Youth Conservation Corp. members. This opportunity is open for youth 15-18 interested in working on the Refuges to assist with a variety of natural resource, maintenance, and recreation projects. This is a great opportunity to learn about the Refuges and learn how the Refuge operates. Applications and eligibility requirement are available on the Refuge website. Applications are due May 15. If you have any questions about the YCC summer program, please call the Refuge office at (360) 887-4106.
More Youth in Conservation
The future of conservation is in the hands of young adults ready to take on that challenge. Along with the help from Center for Diversity in the Environment (CDE), the USFWS is tasking young adults, ages 18-25, to gain the necessary skills to address environmental issues in their communities. CDE's Emerging Leaders 2042 program brings in community leaders and environmental experts to walk these youth through learning about their place in the environmental field through an equity lens. They learn about racial and social justice, assess their leadership styles, and create a plan for their next steps in bringing change to their respective communities, just to name a few of the skills they gain. This program finishes in June.
Voices from the Urban Support Team:
Exploring the impressive collection of nearby parks, trails and waterways got a lot smarter in 2016 with the beta launch of the Daycation Mobile App. Daycation is a concept that the Urban Refuge Program helped fund and develop with our partners in the Intertwine Alliance. Read more...
Thank you for visiting the refuge and supporting conservation. If you have any questions regarding activities and regulations on the refuge, call the office Monday through Friday 7:30am to 3:30 pm at 360-887-4106.
Cathlapotle Plankhouse
Update & Events
Plankhouse Spring Opening A Success!
The Spring Opening event on April 16th was a great success! Sam Robinson got the day started off with a brief talk and opening blessing and then visitors were able to explore the seasonal round of Cathlapotle Chinookans various activities with interactive displays. Folks were able to split "planks" of cedar with mauls and wedges, make charcoal paint, learn how to make cordage, and sampled stinging nettle tea! Many thanks to Terry Anderson and Roland Begin for leading naturalist hikes, and Gae Ryan, Mel Sanchez, Jane Tuck, Virginia Scott, Randy Koblin, Samantha and Flori Korff for volunteering at the event!
The Plankhouse will now be open Saturdays and Sundays 12:00PM - 4:00PM, so stop by and say hello!
Upcoming Events:
26th Annual Naimuma Traditional Powwow
The public is invited to attend this Powwow on May 6th at the Oregon Convention Center. Join many in the local indigenous community for great vendors, dancing, and culture! Click here for more info!
Second Sundays at the Plankhouse!
May's Mother's Day Celebration is the Second Sunday Event for May, with events every month until October! Every Second Sunday of the month! Check out our website for more info!
Questions? Contact Sarah at Sarah_Hill@fws.gov
or call (360) 887-4106
Habitat Restoration
Updates & Events
According to the saying all these April showers will bring us flowers. That’s the good news. The bad news is some of those flowers are not ones we want here on the refuge. We will be presenting an invasive species workshop at the Refuge Shop on May 10 (9 AM-11 AM) for volunteers interested in searching and mapping invasive species on both the River S and Carty Units. We will be covering those species that pose the biggest threats and a few of the natives they could be confused with and some basic GPS procedures. Limited amount of seating so please let us know if you are planning to attend or have questions about our early detection/rapid response program. keith_rutz@fws.gov or sean_davis@fws.gov
We will also be continuing our Wednesday work parties finishing up planting maintenance on the Carty Unit. Still waiting on some water levels to drop and when and if that occurs in May we are planning to add at least one Saturday event on May 13th.
For questions or to sign up for a volunteer event give us a call at 360-877-3883 or email keith_rutz@fws.gov
(click this poster to view larger and download)

Questions? Contact Keith_Rutz@fws.gov for more information
Online Store Now Open!
The Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge are proud to announce the opening of a new webstore! Now you can order our 50th Anniversary Gear- the Pelican Brewing Company 50th Anniversary T-shirt, and our Photo Contest Calendar, all online!
Check out our Shop for links to the store and more info, or click HERE to go directly to the store! Proceeds help support our unique education and restoration programs at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge!
Follow the Friends on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Want regular updates on Refuge events and happenings? Follow the Friends on your favorite social media by clicking the logos below to stay connected even when you are off the Refuge.

Help the Friends and the Refuge When You Shop Online
When you link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to the Friends, you help us earn donations from Fred Meyer Community Rewards. It doesn't change your regular personal shopping and fuel rewards, but it does make a meaningful contribution to our work on the Refuge.
It's easy to sign up. Just go to www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards. You can search for us by our name, Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, or by our non-profit number, 89824. Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping the Friends earn a donation to support the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge. If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer store.
You Can Also Shop and Give Online at AmazonSmile.com
Log on to smile.amazon.com, shop as you usually would and .5% of your purchase will be donated directly to the Friends. Use the special link, smile.amazon.com, with your existing user name and password.
To set up your AmazonSmile account, click this link: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/91-2018749. When prompted to select a charity, choose the Friends of Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge. Begin shopping as you normally would and the Friends will receive 0.5% of eligible purchases.
Thanks for being an EcoShopper and helping the Refuge!
Header Photo Credit: William Lee, 2010 Photo Contest Honorable Mention