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Evening Plankhouse Presentation & Night Hike

PH-May-Evening-Special-Event-Flier-3Special event! Join host, Ethnobotonist and author Kat Anderson at the Plankhouse for a special presentation, “Beauty, Bounty and Biodiversity,” and night hike!

7:00pm: Kat Anderson will share connections with California and Pacific Northwest tribes, by examining traditionally managed edible wildlflower gardens of California. She will also explore the implication that these gardens have for fostering pollinator habitat, increasing biodiversity, and the ways in which these plants have evolved to meet the needs of people.

M. Kat Anderson has a Ph.D. in Wildland Resource Science from UC Berkeley and has conducted field work with tribes in California and Washington for over 25 years documenting their detailed Traditional Ecological Knowledge and wildlands stewardship practices. She is author of Tending the Wild: Native American Knowledge and the Management of California’ʹs Natural Resources.

8:30pm: “The Refuge at Dusk” night hike. Explore the Oaks to Wetlands Trail on this naturalist guided hike. RSVP required, email sarah_hill@fws.gov to save your spot today!